
Changes To My Study Programme

  If I could change something on my study programme, It would be for sure some contents: I think that we study for so much time the art of Europe while the art of other continents like Africa and Asia it never are approached. I’m not saying that it is not important that the art of Europe it should not be studied but I think that we spend an excessive time working on it. On another hand, I would change some of our buildings, some places of the faculty are very neglected or abandoned. As to the teaching methods, I would encourage the teachers to make a little change in their study methods, for example, do activities that allow the students to get involved with different materials, obviously, without neglecting the theorical scope of the class.

A Job I Would Like To Do In The Future


Time Travel To The Future

  I’m going to be sincere, If I could travel in time to the future I would not travel. I don’t want to see nothing about the things that will happen, I think that my mind and conscience could not stand the weigh of that knowledge. In that case, If I could travel in time I would go to the past to see how the things really were. I would go to the different centuries to see how the civilization was, I would travel to discover the mysteries of this world: the construction of monuments, historical events and much more. I would travel to the times of the dinosaurs; I would watch the world of the past. Finally, I would travel to see the beginning of time, I would discover the truth of our creation, I would know the answer of too many questions of our world. That’s why I would prefer to travel to the past than to the future.

My Dream Job

  The kind of job I would like to have is anything related to the world of cinema, either working in the set with the production or with whoever works making the movies or some job related to the archive, documenting or restoration of historical audiovisual material. I love cinema a lot that I would even work in a cinema doing anything. I couldnn't imagine how it will be, but I think that if you want to work in something related to cinema you obviously have to see movies, read about films and the people who make it and learn about the history of the industry of your country. In case if I start working in the production of a movie, I have to know that the salary probably will not be good at the first time (it depends on what I do); on the other hand, if I work in something related to archive or documentation it’s probably that I have a salary, because, the documentation material is usually managed by institutions. Today, I’m studying a major in History and Theory Of Art, and I...

Subject That I Enjoyed At School


The Best Concert

In 2019 I went to the National Stadium to live one of the most incredible experiences of my entire life: The Us+Them Concert of Roger Waters. The concert was in the spring of that year, the weather was perfect for the occasion, and I remember that day like a dream. I have gone to a lot of concerts in my life, I am a person who really loves music and concerts, but this show was different in every sense. In first place, the scenography was stunning, with all the platforms, lights, screens and decorations. On second place, the sound of the band was perfect, note by note, and in the same way, when they were improvising, they proved their skills. Finally, I have to admit that this concert was special, because the music of Pink Floyd has accompanied me since I was a little kid, for me it is very important because their music makes me remember places, people and things I've lived in my life. I don't have any video or recollection of the concert because I've decided to live the who...

A Place I Would Like To Visit

Hi everyone, my name is Tomás and since I can remember, I have always wanted to travel around the world and meet the different places that this beautiful world offers. However, if I had to choose one place above the rest, it would be the south pole. I think that the South Pole is a very strange place, cold and white, different from any other place in this planet; only the North Pole looks similar, but the difference is that the South Pole is just one colossal piece of ice. Just one…I really think that this fact is extremely crazy. On the other hand, I´d like to know this place because some day, sadly, it will disappear because of our fault. All the life that develops around this enviroment will suffer to the end because of the irresponsibility and disinterest to care for the planet. In conclusion, I have to say that I would like to see this amazing place before it disappears.